Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Words and Imagery

You could claim for emptying the septic tank. After all, it sometimes serves a common purpose. You might claim for cleaning a domestic peripheral soak-away (if you planted a few reed beds and threw in a bit of gravel) which would count as a green common purpose. Clearing a ditch, or generic earthworks in the garden might squeeze past hard scrutiny.

But to claim for cleaning a moat!


Sackerson said...

"You could claim for emptying the septic tank."

But clearly, we haven't managed to do it. Reform is needed. We must rid ourselves of the Great Stink - this time it's spreading from the House to the Thames.

hatfield girl said...

The piano tuning could have been justified though, S, even though held up to ridicule. Some of us regard musical instruments as much life's necessities as servicing the boiler.

It's the moatiness of it that I can't get over.

dearieme said...

Add on the chap who had part of his pergola painted and you have:-

moats and beams.

Nomad said...

Perhaps it was a ypot and he meant coat, or goat? or boat? It's an easy mistake which anybody could have made.

Anonymous said...

Dearieme, that was awful, go and sit on the naughty step at once.