Sunday, 17 May 2009

Get Out of Our Way, We want to Vote

"The bottom line is that any MP who is found to have defied the rules will not be serving in my government,” Mr Brown said. But members of Parliament are not elected to serve in 'his' government. They are elected to serve us. The government is our government and is failing so badly because of its partisanship, narrow, undemocratic base, and false take on its purpose, and on its relationship with the electorate.

If Brown would get out of the way we can deal with our representatives ourselves.

“I want to assure every citizen of my commitment to a complete clean-up of the system — that wherever and whenever immediate disciplinary action is required I will take it.”

His 'assurances' aren't worth the breath he draws to issue them. The Prime Minister is a notorious liar. He lies by commission, by ommission, by nature. He lies, 'knowing he is lying' as they say. We do not care for his 'commitment'. Nor need he trouble himself with cornering all disciplinary action that is to be taken. Vengeance is ours, not his. Despite his monstrosity of an ego, he is not the Lord. When it comes to holding our representatives in Parliament to account, we, the people, are the Lord.

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